March 2022, seafloor carvings created during my Artist At Sea residency will be included in the Nautilus Ocean Exhibit at The Explorers Club, New York
MOIS MULTI - Quebec City
February 2022 tele-present wind will be featured in the International Festival of Multidisciplinary and Electronic Arts at Mois Multi, Quebec City, Canada
ZKM - Karlsruhe
July 2019-January 2022, tele-present water was be included in Writing the History of the Future a semi-permanent display from the collection at the ZKM Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Le Tetris - Le Havre, France
November 2021 cloud piano will be included in Piano is not Dead a group exhibition and music festival at Le Tetris, Le Havre, France
McKnight Visual Artist Fellowship - Minneapolis
I am honored to have been awarded a 2021/2022 McKnight Visual Artist Fellowship
Le Hublot - Nice
November 2021 growth rendering device will be included in Artifice Festival a group exhibition at Le Hublot, Nice
Festival Internacional de la Imágen - Manizales, Colombia
In May 2021 the other side was included INTER / SPECIES in a virtual group exhibition at the 20th Festival Internacional de la Imágen Manizales, Colombia
B39 Space - Seoul
November 2020, tele-present wind will be featured in Duplicate your DREAM! a group exhibition at the PRECTXE Festival, B39 Space, Seoul
MIT Museum - Boston
September 2020, FLY CARVING DEVICE will be screened in Hot Steam a video festival that aims to marry topics in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math at the MIT Museum, Boston
Electroni[k] - Rennes
October 2020, tele-present wind will be featured in the Festival Maintenant Rennes, France